


  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe InDesign

LifeLabs is a company specializing in diagnostic laboratory testing services.

They offer a broad range of tests, including blood, genetic, and specialized tests, to aid doctors in diagnosing, treating, and monitoring diseases. The company leverages advanced technology, including online portals and mobile apps, to ensure easy access to test results and appointment management. Committed to quality and accuracy, LifeLabs supports healthcare providers and patients with reliable testing and timely results, playing a vital role in the healthcare system.

The Challenge & Process

The current LifeLabs design feels cold and impersonal, lacking warmth and a personal touch. Its clinical and straightforward aesthetic, while functional, tends to be stark and uninviting. The use of generic imagery, blue and red color palette contributes to a sense of detachment, making it difficult for patients to connect on a more personal level. This design approach focuses heavily on functionality and professionalism, but it misses the opportunity to engage and resonate with individuals by fostering a more approachable and relatable image.

For the rebrand of LifeLabs, I envisioned a clean and modern design that moves away from their existing aesthetic. My approach focuses on simplicity and clarity, using streamlined typography and a refined color palette to create a contemporary look. To infuse a personal touch, I incorporated candid and heartfelt photographs that capture genuine moments and interactions, helping to establish a warmer connection with the audience. These images will be paired with vibrant, colorful patterns circles to introduce a sense of liveliness and energy into the brand.

A refreshed logo with simplified typography and refined spacing better reflects LifeLabs and enhances their professional image.

The current LifeLabs logo feels dated, largely due to its distracting kerning, particularly because the icon is used as the "i" in the logo. This design choice creates uneven spacing and disrupts the overall cohesion of the text, making the logo appear less polished. To modernize the logo, I simplified the typeface and refined the kerning to achieve a cleaner, more contemporary look. By updating the typography and addressing the spacing issues, the logo gains a more streamlined and professional appearance.

The brand guidelines booklet for LifeLabs comprehensively covers all essential elements to maintain a consistent and professional brand identity. It details the company’s core values, ensuring that every design choice aligns with the principles LifeLabs stands for. The booklet includes various logo variations, specifying how and when to use each version, along with guidelines on clearspace and logo size to preserve its integrity in different applications. Additionally, it outlines the do's and don'ts for logo usage to prevent any misrepresentation of the brand.

Furthermore, the booklet defines the branding colors and typography, providing exact specifications to ensure consistency across all platforms. It also covers imagery guidelines, recommending styles and themes for photographs to maintain a cohesive visual identity. This brand guidelines booklet serves as a comprehensive resource to uphold LifeLabs’ brand standards and enhance its overall visual coherence.